Frank – I just read the “report” you posted on our trip this week!  That is awesome!!!  Great write-up and super photographs.  I’m sending the link to your report to all of my friends! My body is so sore and beat-up today from battling big Peacocks all week!! Thanks again for the memories of a lifetime.  Rick and I had a blast! ZooFrank – Zoo and I have been fishing together for over 16 years and we both agree this is our best fishing trip ever! You put us on to large numbers of really tough fighting peacock and largemouth bass with several trophy Hawg’s thrown in!    GREAT JOB!!! Not only was the fishing great but I enjoyed stories and humor you brought to the trip.  This is what really made this trip a memory of a lifetime. No one compaires to “The Hawghunter” Capt. Frank Carbone.

Bassin' in The Glade's

