What a month for Peacock Bass several large ones including this 7 LB’er 26.5″ X 18″ caught by Mark Thorton from Australia


 Mark thought his luck ended with a 5 LB’er

miami peaccok bass, peacock bass,  Mark T 2

Then very next Peacock Bass was his Trophy the largest of the year so far.

Check out the Girth on This “HAWG”

Mark T 7 lb

The Families fist up
Oran and his Family from Canada Oren has been a long time client for the past 8 years. The day started out with Mom catching the biggest of the day a beautiful 6 LB. Male Butterfly Peacock Bass The Family together caught over 30 fish to end their great day of fishing.

Oren wife Oren asher

Day 2 we went to the Airport Lakes , where the action was excellant as asher landed a nice Jack and broke off a Snook on the last cast of the day

Oren PeaOren jack

Next from Texas was 12 year client Charlie with 5 friends catching peacock bass and other species in Miami

CM doubleCM peaCMCM pea2

Day 2 we were off to Lake Okeechobee for Largemouth Bass.

CM okee both

The fishing buddies caught over 30 Bass that day

CM OkeeCM okee 3

Last was Bob Palmer with his Son and maybe future Son-in – law

Palmer group

where they experienced two great days of fishig for Peacock bass.

Palmer Palmer3 Palmer1

This is what it’s all about spending quality time with the ones that mean the most to you the fish are just the added bonus.


If you can make it down we are in Peak Season now for the Florida Peacock Bass.

Me Profile

Call Capt. Frank now 954-325-1115