Lake Okeechobee is on fire now with “BIG BASS”. No matter if we are using Live Wild Shiners or Artificial Baits the clients are catching them up to 8 LB. you can expect over 20 bass with over 20 lb. bag.

If your coming down for the Holiday’s , call now to reserve your day on the Water with “The Hawghunter”, CAPT. FRANK CARBONE.
The month started out with John Hierholzen from Lear Jet with their client Luiz from Brazil. The entire day the boys threw Gamblers Big EZ’s and Ace plastics. Nothing is better then that top water explosion. Luiz had a great time , but found it a little harder to set the hook on Florida Bass, because in the Amazon the monster Peacock Bass hook themselves.
lake Okeechobee , Lake okeechobee reports,

Nice 5 lb.


Okeechobee Top Water action

Then there was honeymoon couple Liz & Tracey Ruch from Arkansas, this was a great couple that I had a good time with. Both experienced a fantastic day on the Big Lake.  Liz out fished her hubby 13 to 6 which gave her the bragging right for the entire ride home. In all do respect Tracey did catch the biggest.

Okeechobee bass reports
What a Pair
Then there was repeat client Mike Benowitz from Pembroke Pines with his 7 year old Son Josh.  This day was all wild shiners, the action was non stop right to the end. Of course Josh caught the biggest, the hard part for Josh was holding the Lunker for the Picture. This was a great day as father & Son shared quality time on the water together.
 Big basB , florioda Largemouth bass fishing     
So if you ever wanted to fish the famed Lake Okeechobee , now is the time to do it.
Happy Holiday’s , from Capt. Frank Carbone & Hawghunter Guide Service.