Today I had by far one of my best Days on the water this year so far. Steve Herriges from Wisconsin treated his Brother in law Brain Zurn and his two boys Haydan 13 and Colton 12 for a 1/2 day of Peacock Bass Fishing.

It was a windy day and clouds rolling in but the Peacock’s were biting. Steve start things off by catching the first peacock. Next Brian caught one and then the 1st of 3 Trophy caught on this day ,  A 5.65 LB. 22 ” Male Peacock Bass.

Steve Brian

Colton then hit his first and poor Hayden struggled to catch an Oscar, “but”, it was one of the biggest Oscars I’ve seen.


Steve coltonsteve oscar

Within the first 30 mins the boys had 11 fish in the boat including 2 Largemouth.

For the next 2 hours they caught one here and there as we had to go find them, so with 16 in the boat I decided to move.

Steve 1stSteve B

This turned out to be a great choice as Haydan , after much complaining, several tree,s a few rocks and flinging a dozen shiners off, had his thrill of his life as he battled for 5 mins. to boat his 22″  6.09 LB. Peacock . This is a true Florida Trophy.


Watch the Action as this 13 year old battles his Trophy


Steve H netSteve Haydennet

His bragging right didn’t last long as his Dad answered back, on the next fish with a 6.62 LB. “HAWG” .


steve Hawg netSteve  Hawg

The foursome totaled out the day with 19 , 16 Peacock’s 2 Largemouth & 1 Oscar. As true fisherman the boys all made replica’s of their Trophy’s and set them FREE for the next angler to catch, “YOU”.

“What a Day”, Don’t miss out on the action while I’m on the bite , Call now 954-325-1115