In the past couple of weeks the Peacock Bass fishing has picked up, with the exception of one day when the cold front came through.

Rick Blom from Lakeland Florida proved that as he single handed caught 20 Peacock Bass most on shiners. Rick had 4 explosions on top water.

Nice Butterfly Peacock Bass

Rick’s biggest was around 4 Lb. and few more in that range, this was just a great day on the water and the weather was just right.
Next next Day I had repeat Client Charlie Horworth from Chicago. He opted to fish for Largemouth on his two days in Florida. This first day was a windy one, and made worming and using sanko’s a bit tough. With only 12 small Bass in the boat things were looking kind of grim, until an 8- 10 lb. Bucket mouth hit a 10″ Gambler worm deep. This monster launched out of the water went deep again and he came off. Never the less this got our blood going , so the next day we headed back to the same waters , but this time with shiners.
  Nice way to Start the Day
The results were a lot different as Charlie started out the morning with a nice 6 lb. then fallowed up with a 4 LB.
Right now the water is still a bit high but the action is good as we are going into the pre-spawn  pattern. With the Holiday’s upon us , and if your coming down to Florida book your date’s now and join in on the fun.
Well I wish everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving this year.  I have a lot to be thankful for, because I became a Grandpa for the first time. A 6lb 5 oz. Keeper  Stephen John born Nov. 7.
See you on the Water. Capt. Frank Carbone 954-325-1115