25 Years Guiding


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Hawghunter Guide Service is now offering trips to Argentina  for Golden Dorado & Trout in Patagonia.Capt. Frank will be Hosting a Trip on Oct. 26 – Nov. 4 , 2011 This Trip is valued at $5250Special Price  $3995.00This trip included 4.5 day of  Golden Dorado fishing as you float down the Rivers of Salta.  You Fly Fish  or Spin cast for these hard fighting Fish that go up to over 40 LB. Every day you will have a Shore Lunch. at night you will stay at a nice Hotel and have some of Argentina’s Finest dining and entertainment.   On day 5 we fly back to down to Patagonia for 3.5 day of Giant Brown Trout Rainbow & Brookies. WE WILL BE THERE FOR OPENING DAY OF TROUT SEASON.Also included is All your meals, lodging , guides, transportation and all the fine Argentinian wines you can drink. You can Also just do the Golden Dorado portion of the trip for only $2495.00There will be more Exotic Fishing Adventure offered by Hawghunter Guide Service, Alaska, Canada Big Game Fishing in Panama. Capt. Frank has opened a new site for more details.If anyone is interested please call, here are my hosted Trip so farAmazon Peacock Bass  Aug 26 – Sept. 4  All inclusive $4950.00Argentina Golden Dorado & Patagonia Trout Fishing Oct. 26 – Nov. 4  $3995.00Panama Big Game Fishing  Jan. 3-8 , 2012  4 Days of fishing SPECIAL Price $2850.00 3 days of fishing Only $2450.00Canada Northern Pike still in the planning stage for June 2012 in Saskatchewan

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Harry Gualco from Oregon, a Pro angler who has fished the world for over 35 years, decided to see what Florida had to offer. Harry came down with 5 other anglers for 4 days of fishing .    The first day we headed to the Florida Everglades for Largemouth Bass. Amazed by the amount of fish that were caught in one day, Harry new he found a new fishing destination. Harry counted over 170 Bass that day with the least amount one boat caught was 87, all the bass were caught on artificial.                             Day 2 Went to Miami for some Peacock Bass fishing, the amount of fish caught was no where near the amount in the Glades. What was agreed, the fight of the Largemouth Bass was no match of that of the Peacock Bass . The Peacock Bass pound for pound is the most hardest fighting freshwater fish there is.   After a hard day of Fishing we headed for our favorite watering hole, Sonia’s for some great Cuban food and cold beer.                                                                                                             Day 3   Was the hit of the trip as the boys experienced The Big “O”, Lake Okeechobee. All my guides boated Bass over 5 lbs. and several bass in the 2.5 – 4 lb. range. The bait of choice was the NEW Gambler EZ swimmer , if you haven’t tried this bait , go out and buy it. This bait is a top water plastic bait , that drives the bass crazy. It has a lot of noise and vibration as you swim it through the heavy cover or open water. If you don’t know where to buy them you can order them direct on my site.     Harry & Darryl had a blast catching several bass and loosing some “Hawgs” in the weeds until that got the idea of the hook set. The highpoint of the day was when on the last cast Harry hit a 7.15  lb. and then Darryl doubles with a 5. 15 lb. to...

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After a very successful Trip last year, David & Max Bahr from Minn. came back for some more exciting Florida fishing with , “The Hawghunter, Capt. Frank Carbone.    On day 1 we hit the Everglade’s for some non stop action , mostly top water . The boys caught over 60 Bass up to 4 lb. As Dave hold up his catch.                                   On day 2 the boys went down to Miami for some strong fighting Peacock Bass,last year Max caught a nice 7 lb. Peacock Bass and the bragging right for that trip.     On this day Dave is holding his nice peacock of the day, which included several others.   The real excitement came on Day 3 when I treated the duo to some fantastic Okeechobee Top Water action using the new Gambler EZ Swimmer, if you haven’t tried this bait go out and get it, it’s the greatest bait since the Flappin’ Shad.   The boys rose 8 bass over 5 lb. but only managed to put 3 big one in the boat. Here are some of these Big Bass.     Lake Okeechobee is the place to be right now if your looking for big Bass. Contact Frank for your next trip to the lake.

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Frank – I just read the “report” you posted on our trip this week!  That is awesome!!!  Great write-up and super photographs.  I’m sending the link to your report to all of my friends! My body is so sore and beat-up today from battling big Peacocks all week!! Thanks again for the memories of a lifetime.  Rick and I had a blast! ZooFrank – Zoo and I have been fishing together for over 16 years and we both agree this is our best fishing trip ever! You put us on to large numbers of really tough fighting peacock and largemouth bass with several trophy Hawg’s thrown in!    GREAT JOB!!! Not only was the fishing great but I enjoyed stories and humor you brought to the trip.  This is what really made this trip a memory of a lifetime. No one compaires to “The Hawghunter” Capt. Frank Carbone.   Rick

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The past two days I had repeat client Rick Blom from Florida and his fishing Buddy Bob”Zoo” Wasileski from Pittsburgh. It only took Bob one day to call and book three days of fishing trip after seeing Rick picture’s from last November.    The boys went right from the Airport in Fort Lauderdale to fishing for Peacock Bass in Miami.    The action was non stop right from the start, being this was Bob’s first time he got broken in right away. After about a dozen peacock’s in the boat Zoo had the thrill of his life and never experienced a fight like this on the end of his line.   Zoo pitched a shiner onto this shadow he saw , and never expecting what happened next. The rod was almost pulled out of his hand as he battled this Monster Peacock Bass for over 5 mins. before I put the net under this trophy 6 lb.10 oz Butterfly Peacock Bass. This Monster was caught on a # 1 Daiichi Circle Bleeding Hook       On day two the boys headed to The Everglades and catching well over 100 Bass all on Gambler Ace wacky style. Most of the bass were in the 1 – 2.5 lb. range with the biggest being 4  lb. caught by Rick’                             Now on day three Zoo felt he didn’t get his fill of Peacock Fever, so it was back to Miami. This turned out to be a banner day with catching over 40 peacock Bass . This day Rick held the bragging rights after landing this Trophy 5 LB. 15 oz. Butterfly Peacock Bass. All this action was captured on video.   The Boys had gone home with several memories to hold onto from their experience in Florida fishing with “The Hawghunter” Capt. Frank Carbone who is a full time Licenses Guide, guiding 7 days a week.

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What a day we had on the Big “O”. Today we had a group fisherman from KY. They experiences a day on the water like never before. Capt. Frank and his guides are on fish now and it’s 90 % top water action. This group threw mostly Gambler’s new EZ swimmer , any color worked , but I like Florida 5-O the best.    With the lake being so low you need to use much caution is important  knowing where to go. We are fishing in 2-3 ft. of water swimming the baits over the heavy cover causing the explosions.    Here are some of the results    Granvel Dulin  7.8  & Elijah Dulin 6.8                              Terry Bullock  6.15 &  5                                                                Kirk Dulin 6.5 & 5.10                                             There were more bass  caught over 5 lb. , but no picture’s. If you looking for some big bass on top water , The Hawghunter, Capt. Frank Carbone and Guides knows where to find them. Call now while the “Lake” is Hot. 954-325-1115

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Who said there the Peacock Bass action isn’t as good as the past. Well, these Hawghunter clients will argue the point.    Brian Heath                                  Tim “Buck” Reid  owner of 2 Handee Fishing Tools has put his mark on the fishing industry with his culling system . Today you can see many of the Pro’s using it. Just look for the Orange & Blue                                  Neal Mc Laughlin  Owner of some of the best race horses. Look for Neal in the winner circle at the Kentucky DerbyThis may with the # 2 choice  to win Sell Dat.                                       Bobby Scaglione from NY nephew of Ralph the maker of The Black Hole rods.                                  Tim Harold                 AND  Mia are just some of Hawghunter’s happy clients, that have experiance the fight and action of the Mighty Peacock Bass.  The only thing better then this is joining me in the Amazon for the 20 LB. Monster Peacock Bass If you are interested in either Florida or the Amazon don’t hesitate and call Capt. Frank Carbone NOW 954-325-1115

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The Florida Everglades’ , I feel is the best Largemouth fishery in the World. Where else can you go and on curtain days can catch well over 100 Bass up to 6-7 LB. The past month the action has been fantastic and only getting better.       This group friends from New York has experienced this action first hand for three days. All three days these boys fished only artifice baits Gambler Ace, Zara spooks pitchin’ and flippin’ Ugly otters, some on crank baits and other spinners. So as you can see they are hitting everything.     If you can get away for a couple of days come on day and fish with “The Hawghuinter” , Capt. Frank Carbone, who guides 7 days a week.

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Well we are in the pre and the spawn season right now and out in the Glades. The big numbers of bass are being caught each day is back. Right now you can expect catching from 50 – over 100 bass in a single day. The proof is in the Picture’s as these anglers found out this past week.   First I had repeat clients Marianne  Mastronunvio and her brother and grandchildren form CT. Between our two boats the group caught over 100 Bass up to 4.5 lb. on Shiners & Artificial baits, Gambler Ace, and top water plastics.     Then the next day was Joe Phillips from Pittsburgh, Joe had a “Fantastic” day catching well over 60 Bass all on Top water, he never put the one rod down and used the same lure all day.        Then there was my repeat client , “The Boston Connection” ,Bob Vasquezi With his So in law and Grandson Parker. this is what it’s all about 3 generations of family getting together and have Fun. Boy, could 7 year old Parker fish and he caught the big Bass of the day. This Family in only 1/2 day caught around 50 bass and several in the 3- 4 lb. range. Bob had the bragging rights by catching the most Parker had the largest and Dad well he caught several on top. Bob almost made a mean meatball sandwich, Thanks Bob I enjoyed that the most.       Well, as you can see the fishing is Great , but it’s all about having fun also.

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This week I had two female Anglers Ellen & Carol from OK. These Gals  have been fishing together for over 20 years. This was a new experience for them as they never fished for Peacock Bass or the Everglade’s. The trip started out in Miami for peacock bass where they each caught these scrappy fighter.       The next 2 day was off to The Everglade’s where they had each caught several Largemouth on both Shiners and artificial baits.                     After being in the suns for two days they almost opted to take off the 3rd day , but they tough it out for a final finally and catching a bunch of bass in only a 1/2 day.                                                                                                        The Action is happening,  Join us now while it is Hot in The Glade’s . Lake Okeechobee is also doing very well as you can see from past reports , &  The Peacock Bass are getting stronger then ever.  Capt. Frank Guides 7 days a week.

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Today’s Father & Son team was very special James SR. & James JR. Mauck. Both men are Vets and are proud to be Americans. James Sr. 85 years young fought in WW II , The Korean War and Vietnam, Jr. was in Vietnam at the same time and received a Purple Heart .  It men like these that allows us to Fish in Freedom.   One the first day the men hit the Peacock Bass and were amazed by the fight as thousand of Angler before them has.   The boys caught a few Peacock Bass 3 largemouth a 2 Oscars.   The next two days was all largemouth First day was Lake Okeechobee and what a day they had. The boys fish mostly all shiners and boy did it pay off.   After about a dozen Bass with the largest being about 3 LB. I headed to my other Fishing Hole. Once there Jr. on his first shiner hooked into a nice 7 LB. then a 5 lb and a 4 lb.   On day three we headed to The Everglade’s , catching much more Bass but none  were near the size that was caught on the Lake.   This is a great way to fish south Florida , come down for three days and I’ll show what Florida has to offer. Miami for Peacock Bass and Lake Okeechobee and The Everglades for largemouth Bass.   Capt. Frank Carbone , “The Hawghunter”guides 7 days a week.  

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Well, the Everglades was on fire this day for Tim Lander and his Son Jack from Parkland FL.Tim and Jack are relative’s of Joey Di Renizio who caught the 11 Lb. a few weeks ago.Even though they didn’t get one that big ,they caught over 60 Bass .   After 6 Doz. shiners young Jack caught more bass , but Dad had the bragging rights with catching the Bigger Bass.   Jack had lost 2 bass that would have topped Dad’s by a few pounds. Last I heard he is still dreaming of the one or two that got away. Today this Father & Son shared a great day on the water with The Hawgbhunter, Capt. Frank Carbone.   So all you Northern’s get out of the cold and join us in the sun for some good Florida Bassin’.      

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Today I had repeat client Orlando Di Renzio from Jersey and his Joe visiting from Taiwan. The guys had a fantastic time fishing The Everglades. Most of the bass were in the 2 lb. range, with a few over. I had taken them to a location that I hadn’t fishing in quit awhile, and it turn out a great choice. We were fishing this deep drop off that was holding bass, the boys were using shiners free lining them off the ledge. Then it was Joe’s moment, as his rod bent over like a noodle, at that point we knew the fight was on. every time she came close to the Triton she took off again. Joe who has been fishing all his life handled the bass perfect. It was a good feeling getting the net under her, knowing he had won the battle. Joe landed a fish of a life time , this bass was well over 10 + LB. The bass actually broke the scale while trying to get an exact weight.   Then he caught another around 6-7 LB. plus a 7-8 LB. Cat that gave him a great fight. Although Joe had the excitement dear old Dad did catch most of the bass and it was his instruction that caused Joe to catch ,”The Hawg”. This is what it is all about not the fishing only, it’s a Father & Son spending quality time together the fish is the bonus.     The Big Bass season is here so it time to get out of the cold and come on Down to South Florida where the weather is great and so is the fishing. Call Capt. Frank Carbone whilt there is still spots open.  

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  These past two week have been unusual for South Florida, with both hot and cold to cool days. Even with the change of weather, never the less the fish are biting and biting well.    In the Everglades we have been catching anywhere’s from 50- 150 Bass on  both artificial and live bait. Most of the bass are small in the 1.5 – 2.5 Lb. range.                   With some occasional big one like Russ Stringham is showing off with his sons Austin & Gavin.                                 Most of our bigger Bass right now are being caught on Lake Okeechobee on wild shiners. On a trip you can  expect 4 lb. and over and some great Top water action on the outside as long as the winds not blowing too hard.      Kaldon Johnson and friends came down for three days of some great action.  We guided them to the entire round robin . We fished The Everglades one day with each boat catching over 85 Bass On day two we had some nicer bass on The Big “O” and catching some Peacock Bass on day three to round out a Great trip. Kaldon & Klye will be joining me this fall in The Amazon for the Monster Peacock Bass.  www.amazonpeacockbasstrip.com   24 LB. topwater   We are in our busy season “NOW” so book your date’s while they are still available , especially if your are planning on Spring break.   So get out of the cold weather and Join “The Hawghunter for some fun and great Bassin’. Capt. Frank Carbone              

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We are catching Bass in The Everglades. In the past three day I had three different groups that had a ball.    First was the Stomberg family from Canada. This is one fishing Family, Mom did very well even though she was in the weeds most of the time, only kidding. Her and son Asher caught the most while Kylie caught the first and her only one, she decided to sun bath and eat pretzel’s instead of fishing.   Then there was 15 year Old  Nick Agnelli  from Palm Beach Fl. Nick single handed caught 42 Bass with some quality size to show off . Nick caught all his fish on Gambler Ace , color didn’t matter.    Yesterday  was also 15 year old Lyle Dershowitz from New York as he experienced a great day on the water. Lyle is a very experienced fisherman and has a great passion for the sport.  Lyle caught most of his fish on his new Fly Rod, and boy did he break it in. Lyle caught his Bass on Poppers , clouser minnows and Ace also.   Right now you can catch  50 – 100 bass in the Florida Everglades so if your coming down for the holidays or if your just wanting to go fishing, now is the time, while the Glades is “HOT”.  The spawning season is starting to fill up so I suggest to book your date’s soon for this winter. Happy  Holiday from “The Hawghunter, Capt. Frank Carbone.

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(954) 325-1115