First  I had a great couple from NC, Joey and Ashley McNabb.

His lovely wife gave him this trip as a birthday present , “what a wife”.

Joey ashley

We got real lucky with the weather , only a few drops of rain. Joey started the day off with Largemouth , and then didn’t stop catching Peacock bass after that. Ashley added a few of her own . After 20 + peacocks 1 largemouth and 1 Jaguar, it was time for Lunch at Sonia’s .

Joey LMJoshSonia's pix

What a great day they had, they will be back again.


The Next two days I had Josh and his Dad Dee from Montana . Day 1 we went to the glades , things were tough even though we got one 5 lb

Josh EV

On day two things warmed up with catching more Peacock and Largemouth bass.

Josh Dee




Even in the rain Jersey Boy Mike Sayrafe catching Peacock in the Miami canals
Mike  added a Snook to his catch

Mike jersey Mike jersey1

We are in our Peak season for both Peacock Bass & Largemouth Bass , so book your date’s now. 

Call Capt. Frank Carbone 954-325-1115