A Banner Day for a Colorado Couple
What a nice couple I had fishing with me on this day, Howie & Liz Haspel from Colorado. On the first cast Howie catches a nice 4 Lber. Within minutes Liz lands hers and trip begins on the right foot.
As we move to our next spot the duo lands 6 in a row then a few misses. Well the action doesn’t stop there as the bite continues. After 23 peacock bass caught , lucky number 24 was Howie’s Trophy Peacock Bass a nice colorful 5.10 LB. 22″, and it’s only 11am.
After a few more we headed over to Sonia’s for a fantastic lunch. This is one of those hole in the walls people look for. They serve primarily Cuban food and also American.
After lunch and a few more casts the day ended with 29 Total and a belly full of good food.
“It Ain’t Just Fishing”
Call now while the fishing is Hot. 954-325-1115